Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 8, 2017

A Collection of Short Contemporary Stories by James W Nelson

I am one of the lucky ones who can see that hidden short story, imagine how it could happen differently, take a note or two (I almost always have a tiny notebook and pen on me, and if I don't I'll take a napkin, a piece of newspaper, even my hand to write on, and I'll attempt to borrow a pen from anyone who's near me from an elegant-looking lady to the scariest-looking guy you can imagine!

I've even been known to buy a pen; I must write down that note or two!) and then, on the way home, I'll scribble more on whatever is handy, and when I get home, I'll drop every other household chore—including eating—until I've gotten those first thoughts safely stored on my hard drive. It used to be harder: I'd have to write everything down by hand and then get to the manual typewriter. (James W. Nelson)

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