Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

SPRINGER English for Academic Research Vocabulary Exercises by Adrian Wallwork

This book is based on a study of referees' reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English (long sentences, redundancy, poor structure etc).

It draws on English-related errors from around 5000 papers written by non-native authors, around 3000 emails, 500 abstracts by PhD students, and over 1000 hours of teaching researchers how to write and present research papers.

SPRINGER English for Academic Research Grammar Exercises by Adrian Wallwork

This book is based on a study of referees' reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English grammar.
It draws on English-related errors from around 5000 papers written by non-native authors, several hundred emails, 500 abstracts by PhD students, and over 1000 hours of teaching researchers how to write and present research papers.
The exercises include the following areas:
  • active vs passive, use of we
  • articles (a/an, the, zero) and quantifiers (some, any, few etc)
  • conditionals and modals
  • countable and uncountable nouns
  • genitive
  • infinitive vs -ing form
  • numbers, acronyms, abbreviations
  • relative clauses and which vs that
  • tenses (e.g. simple present, simple past, present perfect)
  • word order

SPRINGER English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing by Adrian Wallwork

English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing is the first ever book of its kind specifically written for researchers of all disciplines whose first language is not English.
With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and with authentic examples taken from real emails, referee's reports and cover letters, you will learn how to:
• use strategies for understanding native speakers of English
• significantly improve your listening skills
• organize one-to-one meetings
• feel confident at social events
• manage and participate in a successful conversation 
• write effective emails
• review other people's manuscripts - formally and informally 
• reply effectively and constructively to referees' reports 
• write cover letters to editors 
• use the telephone and Skype 
• participate in (video) conference calls 
• exploit standard English phrases

SPRINGER English for Academic Correspondence 2nd Edition by Adrian Wallwork

Written specifically for researchers of all disciplines whose first language is not English, this guide presents easy-to-follow rules and tips, along with authentic examples taken from real emails, referees' reports and cover letters, will show you how to:write effective emails (subject lines, structure, requests, level of formality)
review other people's manuscripts 
reply effectively and constructively to referees' reports 
correspond with editors
write letters regarding summer schools, internships, and PhD and postdoc programs
write reference letters
This new edition contains over 40% new material, including stimulating factoids and discussion points both for self-study and in-class use, as well as suggestions for drafting proposals for research projects and writing research statements.EAP teachers will find this book to be a great source of tips for training students, and for providing both instructive and entertaining lessons.

OXFORD Can You Believe It Book

1- OXFORD Can You Believe It Book 1
Memorable readings from true life combined with idioms and vocabulary development.
Key features:
 - The series is designed for adults and young adults, and combines a holistic approach to reading with a thorough treatment of high-frequency idioms, phrasal verbs and fixed expressions.
 - Highly unusual, true-life stories from around the world immediately capture students' interest. The stories progress in length and difficulty throughout each book and the series.
 - Common and essential idioms are presented in engaging contexts that provide clear meaning and a natural use of new vocabulary. Idioms and expressions are systematically practised and recycled.
Lively comic-style illustrations and tapes provide richly contextualized visual and aural reinforcement of content and idioms.
 - Ample opportunities for producing idioms in speaking and writing are provided through story retelling, thought-provoking personal questions, dialogue production and dictation.
 - Review units provide additional practice of form and meaning of idioms in enjoyable new contexts.
A complete Lexicon offers further information on collocations, grammar, synonyms and antonyms.

Mississippi Science Interactive Write-in Student Edition

1- Mississippi Science Interactive Write-in Student Edition Grade 1
Interactive (Write-in) Student Editions let students explore high-interest science topics to help them build their understanding of science concepts.

2- Mississippi Science Interactive Write-in Student Edition Grade 2

3- Mississippi Science Interactive Write-in Student Edition Grade 3

MACMILLAN Matura Repetytorium with Teachers Tests

Matura Repetitory new edition is a book designed specifically for students who seem matriculation examination in the English language at a basic level. 

The publication contains many exercises on vocabulary, speaking and listening, Writing Bank section, additional tests and secondary school kits for oral baccalaureate.

It allows not only a thorough replay of linguistic material, but mastering all types of examination tasks. Colorful, attractive graphic design encourages graduates to work with the repertory. 

MACMILLAN Matura Repetytorium Z Testami Second Edition Autumn 2009 Answer Key

Matura Repetitory new edition is a book designed specifically for students who seem matriculation examination in the English language at a basic level. 

The publication contains many exercises on vocabulary, speaking and listening, Writing Bank section, additional tests and secondary school kits for oral baccalaureate.

It allows not only a thorough replay of linguistic material, but mastering all types of examination tasks. Colorful, attractive graphic design encourages graduates to work with the repertory. 

MACMILLAN Matura Repetytorium with the Second Edition Autumn 2009 Test

1- MACMILLAN Matura Repetytorium with the Second Edition Autumn 2009 Test
Matura Repetitory new edition is a book designed specifically for students who seem matriculation examination in the English language at a basic level.

The publication contains many exercises on vocabulary, speaking and listening, Writing Bank section, additional tests and secondary school kits for oral baccalaureate.

It allows not only a thorough replay of linguistic material, but mastering all types of examination tasks. Colorful, attractive graphic design encourages graduates to work with the repertory.