Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ug" in such words as "bug," "shrug," "drug," and "lug" and more.
Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2018
Ug As in Bug (Word Families Set 4)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ug" in such words as "bug," "shrug," "drug," and "lug" and more.
Archive contains:
Ug as in bug
Ump as in jump
Um as in drum
Uck As in Duck (Word Families Set 4)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ub" in such words as "tub," "snub," "cub," and "grub."
Ub As in Tub (Word Families Set 4)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ub" in such words as "tub," "snub," "cub," and "grub."
Turn to Learn Wheels in Color Word Families 25 Ready to Go Manipulative Wheels
Turn-to-Learn Wheels in Color: Alphabet: 26 Ready-to-Go Manipulative Wheels That Help Children Build and Reinforce Letter-Recognition Skills.
Shoe Box Learning Centers Word Families
Enrich center time with easy-to-make-and-store kits These 30 skill-building games and activities help kids practice working with the key word families that will help them become successful readers.
Each box can be assembled. with readily available materials and includes reproducible labels, easy-to-read student directions, and reproducible game boards, learning mats, and worksheets. Meets Common Core State Standards.
Reading Success Mini-Books Word Families
20 Interactive Mini-Books That Help Every Child Get a Great Start in Reading.
Help new readers soar with this charming set of skill-building mini-books! Each of these simple, reproducible word/picture books teaches a different word family, and includes write-on lines and a matching game to make learning to read interactive and fun.
A super way to build literacy in school or at home. For use with Grades PreK-2.
Reading Skills Card Games Word Families
Easy-to-make, easy-to-play games that provide hands-on fun with ABC's, word families, beginning and ending sounds, long and short vowels, and sight words.
Added variations make each game more challenging or less challenging, giving teachers almost 50 games in each book! For use with Grades K-2.
Read and Practice Word Families Card Grade K5

These common spelling patterns allow children to read and spell over five hundred words. Skilled readers decode words quickly. Rereading word family words helps children gain confidence and read fluently.
These 37 large, ready-to-read word family cards can be used as flash cards to reinforce the word families such as ack, ail, ake, ale, ame, an, ank, ap, and so on.
Ot As in Knot (Word Families Set 5)
Ot as in Knot and other parts of the series introduce, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ot" in such words as "knot," "dot," "plot," and "forgot" and others...
part five of the Word Families cosists of tomes:
Ow as in cow
Ot as in knot
Op as in top
Og as in dog
Ock as in block
Ob as in knob all in separate files
Est As in Nest (Word Families Set 2)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "est" in such words as "nest," "chest," "test," and "guest."
Ent As in Cent (Word Families Set 2)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ent" in such words as "cent," "invent," "went," and "accent."
En As in Pen (Word Families Set 2)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "en" in such words as "pen," "seven," "then," and "wren."
Ell As in Well (Word Families Set 2)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "at" in such words as "cat," "hat," "flat," and "that."
At As in Cat (Word Families Set 1)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "at" in such words as "cat," "hat," "flat," and "that."
Ap As in Cap (Word Families Set 1)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ap" in such words as "cap," "trap," "map," and "wrap."
An As In Fan (Word Families Set 1)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "an" in such words as "fan," "pan," "man," and "plan."
Am As in Ham (Word Families Set 1)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "am" in such words as "ham," "clam," "jam," and "dam."
Ag As in Flag (Word Families Set 1)
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ag" in such words as "flag," "tag," "rag," and "stag."
Big Book of Patterns (PreK-K)
Enhance your bulletin boards, centers, parent communications, and much more with over 350 ready-to-go patterns!
Offering a mix of popular holiday, seasonal, and subject-area themes, all patterns are grouped by topic and arranged alphabetically for quick reference and ease of use.
Total Reading
1- Total Reading Grade 1 with Stickers
Total Reading, Grade 1 with Sticker(s) and Poster and Puzzle Book Description Total Reading is the most comprehensive teaching guide for reading available!
Total Reading, Grade 1 with Sticker(s) and Poster and Puzzle Book Description Total Reading is the most comprehensive teaching guide for reading available!
This 352 page workbook, specifically designed for children in grade 1, gives them the help they need to succeed in all aspects of reading including consonant and vowel sounds, sequencing, rhyming words, matching words and pictures, and opposites.
Including a complete answer key and easy-to-follow directions this workbook also features reading puzzles, stickers, and a poster for added learning.
2- Total Reading Grade 2
3- Total Reading Grade 4 Book with Key
4-Total Reading Grade K

3- Total Reading Grade 4 Book with Key
4-Total Reading Grade K
California Treasures Teachers Edition Kindergarten Plus Ancillaries

Each year, TRULY BUILDS on the ones before. This program is not just about phonics, decoding and spelling...... this program is about using THE BRAIN from life as well as what is taught in the classroom. Lots of reading materials, genres, fiction keep children interested and THINKING.
I am a homeschool mom, and my 8 year old goes to public school. I plan on my 6 year old to go next fall. After working w/my oldest and seeing the LEVEL of comprehension that he acquired I HAD to use this program. None of the rest were even close! I like to compare it to Saxon math, the same concepts are presented all through the year (and grade levels)...... and built upon NOT just by instruction but good ole' puttin' 2 + 2 together. I LOVE those 'A HA!' moments, don't you?
California Treasures 1st grade Teachers Edition Plus Ancillaries
This is the 2010 California Edition of Treasures. Dramatically different than the national.
Treasures is a THOROUGH language arts curriculum. Themes go across the curriculum. It's based on 4-Blocks Reading with a HEFTY integration of 6+1 Writing Traits. Graphic organizers are initially incorporated in the early years, yet almost seamlessly.... it truly makes sense, not confusion.
Each year, TRULY BUILDS on the ones before. This program is not just about phonics, decoding and spelling...... this program is about using THE BRAIN from life as well as what is taught in the classroom. Lots of reading materials, genres, fiction keep children interested and THINKING.
I am a homeschool mom, and my 8 year old goes to public school. I plan on my 6 year old to go next fall. After working w/my oldest and seeing the LEVEL of comprehension that he acquired I HAD to use this program. None of the rest were even close! I like to compare it to Saxon math, the same concepts are presented all through the year (and grade levels)...... and built upon NOT just by instruction but good ole' puttin' 2 + 2 together. I LOVE those 'A HA!' moments, don't you?
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