McGraw-Hill's SAT will help you prepare for the big exam with its valuable features and interactive test-taking practice online!
McGraw-Hill's SAT is now equipped with new additions to better meet your needs. The guide teaches critical thinking skills designed to help you solve any SAT problem. And it provides test-taking practice with questions just like those on the real SAT.
* New! Two complete interactive practice tests online (in addition to the 4 tests in the book).
* New: Eight-page Welcome section including “How to Use This Book,” “SAT Study Plan,” “Getting the Most from the Online Tests,” and more.
* 4 full-length practice SATs with fully explained answers.
* Detailed 10-week study plan.
* Pull-out "Smart Cards” for easy subject review.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Conquer the SAT;
Chapter 2. Diagnostic SAT;
Chapter 3. Building Vocabulary;
Chapter 4. Critical Reading Skills;
Chapter 5. Sentence Completion Skills;
Chapter 6. What SAT Math Really Tests;
Chapter 7. Essential Pre-Algebra Skills;
Chapter 8. Essential Algebra I Skills; Chapter
9. Special Math Problems;
Chapter 10. Essential Geometry Skills;
Chapter 11. Essential Algebra II Skills;
Chapter 12. Writing a Great Essay;
Chapter 13. Essay Writing Practice;
Chapter 14. SAT Writing Questions;
Chapter 15. Essential Grammar Skills;
Chapter 16. 4 Practice Tests; Online: 2 Practice Tests