The fourth course of the Elements of Language series is aimed at the 10th grade level and consists of 27 chapters.
Chapters 1 through 8 deal with guided writing.
Chapters 9 through 11 deal with building sentences and paragraphs.
Chapters 12 through 19 deal with various aspects of grammar.
Chapters 20 through 27 deal with correct language usage and mechanics.
Detailed Contents:
The Reading and Writing Processes
Chapter 1: Reflecting on Experiences
Chapter 2: Exploring Comparisons and Contrasts
Chapter 3: Examining Causes and Effects
Chapter 4: Analyzing Problems
Chapter 5: Analyzing a Short Story
Chapter 6: Sharing Research Results
Chapter 7: Persuading Others
Chapter 8: Using Persuasion in Advertising
Chapter 9: Writing Complete Sentences
Chapter 10: Writing Effective Sentences
Chapter 11: Understanding Paragraphs and Compositions
Chapter 12: Parts of Speech Overview
Chapter 13: The Parts of a Sentence
Chapter 14: The Phrase
Chapter 15: The Clause
Chapter 16: Agreement
Chapter 17: Using Pronouns Correctly
Chapter 18: Using Verbs Correctly
Chapter 19: Using Modifiers Correctly
Chapter 20: A Glossary of Usage
Chapter 21: Capitalization
Chapter 22: Punctuation
Chapter 23: Punctuation
Chapter 24: Punctuation
Chapter 25: Punctuation
Chapter 26: Spelling
Chapter 27: Correcting Common Errors
Acknowledgements and Credits