This book presents 12 strategies (focusing on one strategy a week) for students to increase vocabulary and boost communication skills, suggesting that these techniques can easily double the average person's vocabulary.
Table of contents:
Week 1. Expand on what you know : synonyms, antonyms, and homophones
Week 2. Build through word structure : base words and prefixes.
Week 3. Build through word endings : base words and suffixes
Week 4. Find related words and grow.
Week 5. Gain meaning from context.
Week 6. Say exactly what you mean.
Week 7. Play the analogies game.
Week 8. Create word maps and word webs.
Week 9. Search for treasure in dictionaries and thesauruses.
Week 10. Learn more about word structure : roots and affixes
Week 11. Discover Latin and Greek word families.
Week 12. Take a foreign tour : words from other languages.
Download: http://huyhuu.com/news/15494/Building-a-Strong-Vocabulary-A-12-Week-Plan-for-Students
Download: http://huyhuu.com/news/15494/Building-a-Strong-Vocabulary-A-12-Week-Plan-for-Students