Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 10, 2017

OXFORD Words by John Seely - One Step Ahead

Ideal for all those who wish to perform more successfully in the workplace or in study, this book will tell you all you need to know about words and develop or improve your word building and vocabulary.

In two parts, the first part gives advice on using active rather than passive vocabulary, how to use dictionaries and word reference books effectively as well as electronic and online reference materials, and which word to use when faced with a choice. The second gives information about word classes, word structure, and contains a detailed glossary.

OXFORD Punctuation by Robert Allen - One Step Ahead

Perfect for you if you have problems with punctuation, this new book is packed full of sound advice that will boost your self-confidence. In two sections-one giving step-by-step advice, and the other a quick reference section-it gives common strategies for making the right choices, and uses real examples from newspapers, magazines, and literature.

Highly practical and designed for adults, it makes an often forbidding subject readable. Illustrated: cartoons, boxes, 'dos' and 'don'ts', easy to follow sections Practical: how punctuation can improve your writing, how to structure a sentence, compound and complex sentences, using semicolons or colons, speech and quotations, and more.Problem solving: where to place commas, punctuation in addresses, numbers, and dates, complex sentences, full stops in abbreviations Point-by-point: guidance on each punctuation mark, including brackets, dashes, slashes, question marks, apostrophes, hyphens. 

Mirrors and Windows - An Intercultural Communication Textbook

Intercultural experiences pose inevitable challenges to one's personal identity and communication skills. One has to learn how to deal with unexpectedness, ambiguity and otherness as well as the resulting culture bumps or culture shock. The knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary for successful intercultural communication have to be observed, discussed and practised.
This textbook wishes to help the trainer, the teacher and the learner in the process by encouraging culture-general discussions about culture with a small "c" and by using a reflective approach.
It is of great important to increase intercultural understanding in the world, and incorporating intercultural communicative competence in teacher training programmes should be one of the first steps in the process. Making intercultural communication training an integral part of teacher education is probably one of the greatest challenges of our times, but if successful, would have a beneficial multiplier effect in the field of education and beyond.

Magic Book A1

1-Magic Book A1 Students Book
The textbook caters for different learning styles and intelligences according to the authoring team, and is based on learning through stories, songs, chants and playful activities such as mazes, decoding games, problem solving activities and puzzles.
The Magic Book also contains a lot of cross-curricular features and cultural elements. 

Listen Up - Podcasting for Schools and Libraries by Linda W Braun

Here is a timely -- and time-saving -- guide for teachers, librarians, and school media specialists who need to get quickly up-to-speed on this exciting technology. Educational technology specialist Linda Braun explains what podcasting is and why it is such a useful tool for schools and libraries.

She covers both content and technical issues, sharing tips for finding and using podcasts and vodcasts, examples of innovative school and library projects, how-to advice for creating great podcasts, and guidance on getting the word out to students, staff, patrons, and other users.

As a reader bonus, the author s Web page features links to her recommended resources for school and library podcasters. Whether you are new to the technology or an experienced podcaster in search of ideas and inspiration, you ll find a unique source of support in Listen Up! Podcasting for Schools and Libraries.

How to Give a Presentation in English Video

Giving a presentation in front of an audience is always stressful. Thinking about such details as the location of the presentation, equipment, materials, timing, your appearance and outfit will help you avoid nervousness.

Hands on - A collection of ESL Literacy Activities

Chapters 1–5 are in sequential order for learners at a very basic level. Each of these five chapters builds on the previous chapter. Chapters 6–14 are in no particular order and should be selected according to learners’ level, needs and interests. The directions on each page are written for instructors. Each page has a variety of activities that can be presented for that page.
It is not recommended that all the suggested activities are attempted at one time, but that some are used for review. The activities in this book were developed to be learnercentered and instructors are strongly encouraged to adapt and personalize the activities to reflect learners’ own life experiences.

Grammar Handbook - Capella University

Learn about the basics of the English language including proper sentence structure, mechanics and use of punctuation.


Escaping the Endless Adolescence How We Can Help Our Teenagers Grow Up Before They Grow Old

Welcome to the stunted world of the Endless Adolescence. Recent studies show that today’s teenagers are more anxious and stressed and less independent and motivated to grow up than ever before. Twenty-five is rapidly becoming the new fifteen for a generation suffering from a debilitating “failure to launch.” Now two preeminent clinical psychologists tell us why and chart a groundbreaking escape route for teens and parents.
Drawing on their extensive research and practice, Joseph Allen and Claudia Worrell Allen show that most teen problems are not hardwired into teens’ brains and hormones but grow instead out of a “Nurture Paradox” in which our efforts to support our teens by shielding them from the growth-spurring rigors and rewards of the adult world have backfired badly. 
Today’s teens are starved for the lost fundamentals they need to really grow: adult connections and the adult rewards of autonomy, competence, and mastery. Restoring these will help them unlearn their adolescent helplessness and grow into adults who can make you–and themselves–proud.

Educational Psychology 2nd Edition by Robert J Sternberg and Wendy M Williams

Written to help readers understand and develop expertise in both teaching and learning, Educational Psychology focuses on the art and science necessary to become an expert teacher.   Renowned scholars, Sternberg and Williams help readers capitalize on their strengths by integrating questions into the text that encourage analytical, creative, and practical thinking.

This framework, based on Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human intelligence, helps ensure that readers think deeply about what they are learning, rather than merely processing information at a superficial level.

Dictionary of Food Science and Technology 2nd Edition

Distilled from the extensive data held and maintained by IFIS, the dictionary is easy to use and has been rigorously edited and cross-referenced.
Now in an extensively revised and updated second edition, this landmark publication features:
- 8,612 entries including 763 new entries and over 1,500 revised entries
- Reflects current usage in the scientific literature
- Includes local names, synonyms and Latin names, as appropriate
- Extensive cross-referencing
- Scientific editing from the team at IFIS

Daily Summer Activities Grade 2-3

1- Daily Summer Activities Grade 2-3

The transition from third to fourth grade can be a big step for some children and the exercises in Daily Summer Activities, Moving from Third to Fourth Grade, can help keep skills fresh in their minds.Language Arts practice:a fiction and non fiction story with comprehension questions each week sentences to correct for capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
  • 10 spelling words to learn each week
  • cursive handwriting practice
  • creative writing activities
  • alphabetical order
  • contractions
  • parts of speech
  • synonyms, antonyms, and homophones
  • Mathematics practice:multiplication and division facts
  • word problems
  • two-and three-digit addition and subtraction with borrowing and carrying
  • dividing by one digit
  • multiplication by one and two digits
  • fractions
  • graphing
  • Geography skills:map symbols
  • map reading


2-Daily Summer Activities Moving from First to Second Grade
Keep learning alive during the summer. If children don't use their skills regularly, they begin to forget them. Research has shown that short sessions of daily practice help to maintain, and even increase, what has been learned. Provides ten weeks of appropriate, teacher-developed practice activities in major subject areas to help your child make a successful transition from one grade to the next.

Full color with engaging illustrations and graphics sure to hold a child's interest. Comprised of ten weekly sections that provide skill practice in several subject areas. There are two pages of short, focused practice for each day of the week. The subject areas vary somewhat depending on the grade levels addressed, but include, reading, mathematics, spelling and other language skills, handwriting, creative writing, and geography.

Each weekly section begins with a record form where the child tracks work completed, logs the number of minutes of recreational reading, and records interesting events of the week. Other features of each book include: 16 pages of reading or mathematics practice cards printed on cardstock; ideas for using practice cards are provided, certificate of completion, answer key, parent suggestions, and summer reading list.

A Writers Reference 8th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers

For success in college, no skill is more critical than writing; it’s the very core of a student’s academic experience. Tested and trusted, A Writer’s Reference is an essential tool for students who are strengthening habits and skills that will support them throughout college.
In an April 2014 survey of first-year writers, 75 percent reported that using a Hacker handbook made them a more confident academic writer. What’s more, A Writer’s Reference has been a powerful tool for change across college campuses—helping to create a culture of writing at many schools by supporting a common language for talking about academic writing. In that way, A Writer’s Reference is uniquely positioned to help transform attitudes about the value of writing instruction and the role that writing plays in academic work and in higher learning.
With this eighth edition of the handbook, author Nancy Sommers invites you to be part of a community of those who teach and assign writing; who believe that critical reading, analytical writing, responsible research, and clarity are at the center of effective writing across the academy; and who use the nation’s best-selling and most responsive handbook to support the development of the college writer.

Developmental Exercises for A Writers Reference 7th Edition

"A Writer's Reference," the most widely adopted handbook in the United States, continues to be groundbreaking in its simplicity, offering the right content in an accessible format. New coauthor Nancy Sommers's own research, campus travel, and classroom experience keep the handbook in tune with the needs of academic writers.
In a trusted quick-reference format, the seventh edition delivers advice on all the right topics: working with sources, revising with comments, preparing a portfolio, and more. "A Writer's Reference" offers unprecedented flexibility with several versions to choose from -- a handbook that's truly at your service.

A Guide to Better Spelling by Angela Burt

There are plenty of exercises, dictation passages and revision tests because practice and drill are vital. The user should work steadily and not try to do too much at one time as the work is concentrated and ‘a little and often’ is good advice in spelling practice.
The answers to all the exercises are at the back of the book. Many users will have to eradicate mistakes which have been repeated for years. It is not easy to break these old habits, but it can be done if the user is determined. A student once remarked, ‘If there’s a right way to spell a word, and that is exactly the attitude to take over spelling improvement.