Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 9, 2018

OXFORD Happy Earth 1 New Edition

1- OXFORD Happy Earth 1 New Edition Classbook
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years. It can be used as a follow-on course from Happy Street.
Happy Earth extends children's language skills and knowledge about the world through topic-based units. Information about the real world is balanced by animal fun and fantasy subjects of interest to young pre-teens.
Clear signposting of new structures prepares the ground for a more analytical approach to grammar.
A rich variety of authentic-looking reading texts builds vocabulary, skills and confidence.
Catchy songs and raps with integrated skills or a language focus motivate learners.

OXFORD Happy Earth 1

1- OXFORD Happy Earth 1 Activity Book
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years. It can be used as a follow-on course from Happy Street.
Happy Earth extends children's language skills and knowledge about the world through topic-based units. Information about the real world is balanced by animal fun and fantasy subjects of interest to young pre-teens.
Clear signposting of new structures prepares the ground for a more analytical approach to grammar.
A rich variety of authentic-looking reading texts builds vocabulary, skills and confidence.
Catchy songs and raps with integrated skills or a language focus motivate learners.

1500 Structured Tests by Edward R Rosset

1- 1500 Structured Tests Key Book Level 1 by Edward R Rosset

The answer keys for the 3 levels of the 1500 Structured tests.

The contents of this book have been divided into thirty different structures.
How to use this book:
Teachers can use this book in class as a complement to any method in the following way.
One of the students reads a sentence choosing the answer which he considers correct. Then, the other students are asked for their opinions. This will give occasion to numerous doubts and questions on the part of the students. Once the right answer has been established, the pupil or pupils could be asked to
build up similar phrasing.
The answers to the different levels may be found in the Key Book.

Varieties of American English Teachers Handbook

VARIETIES OF AMERICAN ENGLISH is intended to supplement the three-part videocassette series Varieties of American English, which consists of (1) Regional Dialects, (2) Social and Specialized Groups and (3) Stylistic Differences.
This handbook has been prepared primarily for teacher trainers who have selected this video for use in seminar, workshop, or classroom presentation. Its independent use by teachers of English, advanced learners of English, and even linguists, sociolinguists and dialectologists is not precluded. An accompanying audiocassette repeats examples from the videos and provides further samples for analysis.
To get aware of the text presented within the Handbook the list of the topics covered inside has been kindly supplied below

Tools for Teaching 2nd Edition by Barbara Gross Davis

This is the long-awaited update on the bestselling book that offers a practical, accessible reference manual for faculty in any discipline. This new edition contains up-to-date information on technology as well as expanding on the ideas and strategies presented in the first edition.
It includes more than sixty-one chapters designed to improve the teaching of beginning, mid-career, or senior faculty members. The topics cover both traditional tasks of teaching as well as broader concerns, such as diversity and inclusion in the classroom and technology in educational settings.

The Holt Interactive Reader - Sixth Course Grade 12 by Holt Rinehart and Winston

This Interactive Reader (British literature) is a workbook intended to be written in. It has three types of selections: literature, informational texts, and documents that students may encounter in various activities.

All selections include the same basic preparation, support, and review materials. Vocabulary previews, skill descriptions, graphic organizers, review questions, and other tools help understand and enjoy the selections. Moreover, tips and questions in the side margins ensure that students can apply and practice the skills they are learning as they read.

The Holt Interactive Reader - Fifth Course Grade 11 by Holt Rinehart and Winston

This Interactive Reader (American literature) is a workbook intended to be written in. It has three types of selections: literature, informational texts, and documents that students may encounter in various activities.
All selections include the same basic preparation, support, and review materials. Vocabulary previews, skill descriptions, graphic organizers, review questions, and other tools help understand and enjoy the selections. Moreover, tips and questions in the side margins ensure that students can apply and practice the skills they are learning as they read.

Solutions Upper-Intermediate Test Bank MultiROM

A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
Solutions' simple structure and guided approach to learning supports and motivates students to use language confidently.
Solutions Intermediate Test Bank MultiRom includes: Placement test, short and progress tests, Cumulative tests, Audio tests.

Solutions Intermediate Test Bank MultiROM

A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
Solutions' simple structure and guided approach to learning supports and motivates students to use language confidently.
Solutions Intermediate Test Bank MultiRom includes: Placement test, short and progress tests, Cumulative tests, Audio tests.