Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2018

English News And Views Pathway to English for Grade 11 Students Book

English News & Views for Grade 11 includes: a topic-based syllabus, coverage of all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, vocabulary development, project work, regular revision, tips for essay writing.


Bringing the Montessori Approach to Your Early Years Practice 2nd Edition by Barbara Isaacs

Have you ever wondered what the Montessori approach is all about and whether it can be used to benefit the young children in your setting? This book will answer all your questions and more.
It includes:
    * details about the Montessori approach
    * examples from specialist Montessori schools and nurseries
    * examples of non-specialist settings implementing Montessori principles for the benefit of the children
    * practical activities
    * advice on planning and assessment methods.

Best Practices for Teaching Reading What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do by Randi Stone

Best Practices for Teaching Reading is the fifth book of a five-volume series: The collection also includes Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies, Best Practices for Teaching Writing, Best Practices for Teaching Science, and Best Practices for Teaching Math.
This unique guide provides exemplary teaching practices from award-winning teachers who are willing to share their expertise. These are the teachers we read about in journals and magazines, the teachers who win grants, fellowships, and contests. Enjoy “poking your nose” into great classrooms!
With 40 classroom-tested strategies from award-winning teachers, this book offers guidance for teaching reading to elementary and secondary learners with diverse learning styles and abilities.
PART I: Reading in K–6 Classrooms
Reading From the First Day of School
Ten Steps to Great Readers
All for the Love of Reading: A Book Is a Gift
Establishing a Summer Reading Program
Teaching Reading Strategies Through the Analysis of Visual Art
Using "Word Work" to Improve Decoding
Reading Aloud: Comprehending, Not Word Calling
Comprehension: Making Connections to Text
Incorporating Drama and Writing: Performing a Mystery Play
Social Studies: Reading About Life in the 1800s
Social Studies: Reading the Vietnam Memorial Wall
To Read or Not to Read: Shakespeare With Fourth Graders
Reaching Fifth Graders With Novel Study
Reading Kinesthetically
Reading and Writing: A Reciprocal Process
Reading Beyond the Lines: Students With Autistic Disorders
Encouraging Biliteracy
PART II Reading in Grades 7–12
Reflective Practice in the Teaching of Adolescent Reading
I Hate Reading!
The "I Hate Reading" Club
You Simply Need to Love It!
Digging Deeper for Comprehension
Using Wonder Journals to Teach Research Reading and Writing Skills
Make It Your Own! A Vocabulary Activity
Teaching Reading in the Math Classroom
Reading the Language of Mathematics
"Who in the World Are You?" An Interdisciplinary Project
Using Self-Publishing as a Gateway for Critical Reading
Score a BINGO in Reading
Short-Cycle Assessment in a Reading Workshop: A Collaboration Between Teacher and Student

Advanced Writing by Zabankadeh Publications

Advanced Writing is the first in a series of books designed to develop the expository and argumentative writing skills that EFL learners need to express their ideas effectively.
Through highly illustrative examples, model paragraphs, and carefully constructed exercises, studentscomplete, step by step, activities that enable them to understand and fully appreciate the writing process.
The effective course-book/workbook format provides students with a powerful five-step approach to paragraph writing. 
The book covers the fundamental techniques and methods of paragraph writing, yet the format allows the teacher to insert additional exercises and assignments that are both class-specific and provide for the individual teacher emphasis. This flexibility should give the experienced teacher a focus for materials and the newer teacher a pedestal on which to build.

TREASURE CHEST My New Words Activity Book with Teacher Support

This Activity Book supports English Language Learners in grades 3-6 and K-2,  especially newcomers, with engaging activities to use with the Picture Word Book.
1- TREASURE CHEST My New Words Activity Book with Teacher Support Grades 3-6

2-TREASURE CHEST My New Words Activity Book with Teacher Support Grades K-2

TREASURE CHEST My New Words A Picture Word Book

The My New Words picture word book uses visual aids to provide English Language Learners in grades 3-6, especially newcomers, with opportunities to acquire and practice vocabulary.

1- TREASURE CHEST My New Words A Picture Word Book Grades 3-6

2- TREASURE CHEST My New Words A Picture Word Book Grades K-2

Happy Hearts Starter

Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement.
It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age.
Key Features:
  • appealing, well-designed, child-centred materials to engage children´s imagination and stimulate learning
  • Kenny the cat puppet to interact with and instruct children  
  • songs and chants based on traditional tunes to encourage active participation through TPR and other circle-time activities
  • tear-out activity worksheets to develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills
  • story cards to present the stories in a classroom setting
  • stickers to promote a hands-on approach to language learning
  • characters press outs to consolidate the new language and perform the songs  
  • Activity Book for use in the classroom or at home to reinforce the language of each unit

1Happy Hearts Starter Class Audio CDs


2- Happy Hearts Starter Pupils Book

3- Happy Hearts Starter Songs CD

4- Happy Hearts Starter Teachers Book

Happy Hearts 2

Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement.
It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age.
Key Features:
  • appealing, well-designed, child-centred materials to engage children´s imagination and stimulate learning
  • Kenny the cat puppet to interact with and instruct children  
  • songs and chants based on traditional tunes to encourage active participation through TPR and other circle-time activities
  • tear-out activity worksheets to develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills
  • story cards to present the stories in a classroom setting
  • stickers to promote a hands-on approach to language learning
  • characters press outs to consolidate the new language and perform the songs  
  • Activity Book for use in the classroom or at home to reinforce the language of each unit

1- Happy Hearts 2 Class Audio CDs

2- Happy Hearts 2 DVD-ROM


3- Happy Hearts 2 Interactive Whiteboard Software

4- Happy Hearts 2 Teachers Book

Happy Hearts 1

Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement.
It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age.
Key Features:
  • appealing, well-designed, child-centred materials to engage children´s imagination and stimulate learning
  • Kenny the cat puppet to interact with and instruct children  
  • songs and chants based on traditional tunes to encourage active participation through TPR and other circle-time activities
  • tear-out activity worksheets to develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills
  • story cards to present the stories in a classroom setting
  • stickers to promote a hands-on approach to language learning
  • characters press outs to consolidate the new language and perform the songs  
  • Activity Book for use in the classroom or at home to reinforce the language of each unit

1- Happy Hearts 1 Activity Book

2- Happy Hearts 1 Class Audio CDs


3Happy Hearts 1 DVD-ROM

4- Happy Hearts 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software