Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 7, 2016
British Council Video - IELTS Preparation Power Writing for IELTS Task 2 Writing
Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing

Marvellous Techniques for IELTS WRITING, guiding you from the marking criteria of judging, tips and tricks to to do all effective.
Vocabulary and sentence structure disappointing then. This book will go in-depth analysis of all forms of both two tasks to help you deepen academic knowledge.
IELTS Speaking - Basic Information
The IELTS Speaking Test is the final part of the exam. Your test will be at some time between 1.30pm and 5.00pm. You can take only your ID document into the exam room.
Preparation is the key to a good score in IELTS Speaking. Different skills are tested in each part, so you need to know exactly what to do.
Basic IELTS Reading

- These types of questions will appear in all Test.
- And ways to address strategic plays.
- Also near tram subtests will be distributed according to each key skills inReading and answers
- Especially Basic IELTS Reading will have but all tests to check your qualifications
IELTS Graduation Study Skills (Ebook+Audio)
Full details of IELTS question types so that you are fully prepared for the exam.
Listening section provides exercise to improve general listening skills, as well as actual IELTS questions.
Audio CD and Listening scripts included, giving you everything you need for self-study.
Ready for IELTS Coursebook with Key - Sam McCarter (Ebook)
The Ready for IELTS Coursebook provides thorough practice in reading , writing, listening and speaking.
It comes packaged with a CD-ROM which offers further practice of the exam paper and can be worked through under timed ‘exam conditions’.
Computer Based IELTS Listening and Reading
The CB IELTS Listening and Reading tests are marked by computer, while the Writing test responses are marked by qualified IELTS examiners, in the same way as the paper based version. This approach maintains the security, validity and consistency for which IELTS is internationally recognised.
This is a Computer-based version of IELTS
Only Academic module, presently available for Listening & Reading on Computer..
Here is a program where you can test your listening and reading from your computer.
279 IELTS Essays From Past Papers with Sample Solutions
279 IELTS Essays From Past Papers with Sample Solutions. Best IELTS Preparation Materials and Practice Book for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Get IELTS Materials , Tips, Tricks. Practice more and boost your score.
279 IELTS essays from past papers with sample solutions Kirran Makkar, “279 IELTS essays from past papers with sample solutions” PDF | 2 MB These are 279 essays from past IELTS papers which I have written with the average student in mind.
279 IELTS essays from past papers with sample solutions
Kirran Makkar, “279 IELTS essays from past papers with sample solutions”
McGraw-Hill IELTS 5 Practice Tests (Ebook+Audio)
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a paper-based test that consists of four modules―Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Question types include multiple choice, sentence completion, short answer, classification, matching, labeling, and diagram/chart interpretation. Created by ESL experts at Cambridge University in the UK, the IELTS English proficiency exam is used worldwide for admission to English-speaking colleges and universities.
McGraw-Hill’s IELTS provides intensive instruction and practice for every question type you may encounter on this important exam, plus four complete sample tests with explanations. The audio CD packaged with the book provides audio tracks for all listening portions of the test.
IELTS Preparation and Practice - Listening and Speaking (Ebook+Audio)
A series providing comprehensive preparation for the IELTS. Now with Practice Tests with annotated key.
How can it be used?
For use in the classroom and for individual study.
Key features
- The series is a complete training course for students intending to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
- It reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for each module. The series offers separate titles for the Academic Modules and the General Modules.
- Practice tests are provided, together with step-by-step descriptions and models of how to answer test questions.
- Includes useful tips.
- Answer Key and transcripts of all listening tasks.
- The contributing authors are accredited IELTS examiners.
- The material is suitable for use in class and for self-study.
- The new edition of the Listening and Speaking Book and Cassettes incorporate the changes to the exam.
- NEW - Practice Tests with Annotated Answer Key and Practice Tests cassette.
IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading (Vladimir Pejovic, Michael Nocklin, Peggy Read)

Each component in the series reflects the format of the IELTS and offers a complete guide to developing the skills required for each module. The series provides comprehensive preparation for and practice of the complete range of skills tested in the IELTS. The contributing authors have extensive experience in teaching English and are accredited IELTS examiners. Now with Practice Tests with annotated key.
Thomson IELTS Practice Tests with Answer Key (Ebook+Audio)
- Six complete practice tests cover a wide range of typical IELTS topic areas.
- Task guides and Step-by-step guides in Tests 1 and 2 explain how best to approach each task type
- General Training section provides additional Reading and Writing Modules for two tests.
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 (Ebook+Audio)
This title provides essential practice in all four modules of the IELTS examination: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
It includes:
- six complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing module
- additional reading and writing modules for General Training candidates
- a full description of the exam
- strategy boxes training key sub-skills for each module
- sections for assessing your writing and academic vocabulary
- annotated answer key, analysing correct and incorrect answers
- sample answers to writing tasks
- complete audio scripts, with answers marked
IELTS Preparation and Practice - Reading and Writing - General Training Module

Key features:
- The book is a part of a complete training course for students intending to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
- It reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for reading and writing module.
- Practice tests are provided, together with step-by-step descriptions and models of how to answer test questions.
- Includes useful tips.
- Answer Key.
- The contributing authors are accredited IELTS examiners.
IELTS Tips (Revised and Updated)
These tips are the outcome of many different sources including real students' mistakes.
IELTS Speaking Test with Answer and Sample Interviews (Ebook)

IELTS To Success - 2nd Edition (Ebook+Audio)
This book describes the four modules of the IELTS test, and contain lots of practice tests for each one, it has been designed for upperintermediate and advanced levels
IELTS Sample Essays
This comprehensive module will help you to practise and develop the skills and strategies you need to achieve the best possible score in the IELTS Academic Writing test. You will improve your vocabulary and language skills while you learn:
- about the writing assessment criteria
- how to write effective Task 1 and Task 2 answers
IELTS Writing Task 1 requires you to describe a table or diagram. In this part of the module you will learn how to:
- understand the different features and the purpose of graphs and tables identify significant information to use in your answer
- write an organised report describing a graph or table
- describe a process (how something works) or a sequence of events
IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write a short essay presenting an argument on a particular topic. In this part of the module, you will learn how to:
- recognise the different types of essay questions in the IELTS test
- write an effective essay (introduction, body and conclusion) for each type of question.
- use more complex language to write an effective essay.
IELTS Preparation and Practice - Reading and Writing - Academic Module
IELTS Preparation and Practice, Reading and Writing - Academic Module(Writing part only included) by Oxford University Press
How can it be used?
For use in the classroom and excellent for individual study.
Key features :
- The series is a complete training course for students intending to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
- It reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for each module. The series offers separate titles for the Academic Modules and the General Modules.
- Practice tests are provided, together with step-by-step descriptions and models of how to answer test questions.
- Includes useful tips.
- Answer Key and transcripts of all listening tasks.
- The contributing authors are accredited IELTS examiners.
- The material is suitable for use in class and for self-study.
- The new edition of the Listening and Speaking Book and Cassettes incorporate the changes to the exam.
- NEW - Practice Tests with Annotated Answer Key and Practice Tests cassette.
[Study Video] - Toeic Full Test 3 - Part 2 - Question Response
This is the study video for "Toeic Full Test 3 - Part 2 - Question Response" in the series of 05 full Toeic Tests made by HuyHuu Team.
Insearch - Prepare for IELTS - Skills and Strategies - Listening and Speaking (Audio)
This is audio CD for the book "Prepare for IELTS - Skills and Strategies - Book one - Listening and speaking", published by INSEARCH.
IELTS Masterclass Online Tests
IELTS Masterclass trains students in broad academic skills and develops thinking strategies. It will take students to the level required for university admission by covering all four skills, building relevant vocabulary and grammar, and encouraging learner independence.
It can be used as part of a IELTS preparation course and part of a general academic pre-sessional course for university students.
IELTS Masterclass MultiROM
IELTS Masterclass trains students in broad academic skills and develops thinking strategies. It will take students to the level required for university admission by covering all four skills, building relevant vocabulary and grammar, and encouraging learner independence.It can be used as part of a IELTS preparation course and part of a general academic pre-sessional course for university students.
New MultiROM (available only with the Student's Book from early 2008) with extra activities and a link to one online test. The practice test replicates the actual test, but is not completed in test conditions. ( test A and sample in 90 days)
IELTS Sample Answers (Ebook)
These were answers provided by one of my classes, they are marked to IELTS writing rubrics with comments and grammar corrections.
These essays are useful to help students to understand the kinds of questions that they will be asked and the quality required to pass the exam. They are also useful for TOEFL as many are very similar to questions asked in the TOEFL iBT independent writing section. Some questions here have been simplified, but all cover topics used in the IELTs exam.
IELTS Writing Achieve 6.5 (Sample videos)
Example 1 Bar Chart, Line Graph
Example 2 Bar Chart and Pie Chart
Example 3 Describing a table
Example 4 Describing a pie chart
Example 5 Describing a line graph
Example 6 Describing a bar chart
Example 7 Good Essay, Bad Essay
Lesson1 Describing Trends
Lesson2 Variables and Time
Lesson3 Statistical Data
Lesson4 Participle, Relative Clauses
Sample Candidate Speaking Tests and Examiner Comments for IELTS
This material gives you an idea of how to expand your speaking in ielts exam ... Three candidates record and one examiner note about them ...
See how Examiner gives them mark and listen these three candidates how they spoke ... And take yourself note how avoid from mistakes
ESL Seminars For IELTS And TSE (Ebook+Audio)

We think you would. That is why we make passing the IELTS® easy. Easy? Yes, receiving a passing score can be easy with the IELTS® if you prepare with the correct methods and materials.
IELTS Speaking - Preparation and Practice (Audio)
IELTS Speaking - Preparation and Practice' prepares students for the new speaking test, which has been in use since July 2001.
The materials are suitable for students intending to sit either the General Training or the Academic Module, and systematically present a range of functions that students may need to express during the IELTS speaking test.
Support is given to the development of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical forms. A wide variety of topics is explored with tasks that aid and encourage the students' formulation of their own ideas.
Numerous activities focus on spoken fluency and attention is also paid to pronunciation and to the use of suitable examination strategies. The book consists of 9 units, the last of which provides a number of practice tests, and there is an acompanying cassette tape with recordings involving a range of English language accents.
The New Prepare for IELTS - Academic Modules (Ebook+Audio)

Ielts Cube The Way to Study (Ebook)

It provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material and how to approach.
There is no audio files because its only to see question types of IELTS exam. Study clear and dont get lost searching for materials for IELTS.
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