Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 5, 2017

How to Write Better Essays by Bryan Greetham (Study Guides)

This book takes the reader carefully through each stage of essay writing from interpretation of the question, to the research, planning, writing and revision.

Readers are shown how to improve not just study skills like note taking, reading, organization and writing, but their thinking skills too. The reader will learn how to analyze difficult concepts, criticize and evaluate arguments, use evidence, and develop more of their own ideas. This book gives clear practical advice, with a troubleshooting section that deals with a range of common problems.

How to Study Linguistics A Guide to Understanding Language 2nd Edition by Geoffrey Finch (Study Guides)

If you are new to linguistics as a subject and beginning a course at undergraduate or sixth-form level, How to Study Linguistics is the ideal introduction and companion to your studies. 
· Covers all the core areas of linguistic study, with chapters discussing strategies for studying phonology, syntax and semantics
· Explores other branches of linguistics such as sociolinguistics, stylistics, and psycholinguistics
· Includes a chapter on writing linguistics essays and a detailed glossary to aid learning and revision
· Second edition includes new material designed to help the more advanced reader
How to Study Linguistics is both a guide to current ideas about linguistics and a refreshingly practical text book. It will not only develop your skills as a language student, but will also make an often complex and daunting subject easy to understand, and a pleasure to study.

How to Study Linguistics A Guide to Study Linguistics by Geoffrey Finch (Palgrave Study Guides)

Intended primarily for newcomers to the subject, but with new material designed to help the more advanced reader, How to Study Linguistics is written in a refreshing and engaging style.

It assumes no prior knowledge and contains many useful suggestions for developing a secure understanding of the subject. Chapters discuss strategies for studying phonology, syntax, and semantics, and for pursuing branches of linguistics, such as sociolinguistics, stylistics, and psycholinguistics, as well as practical advice on writing essays. The book also includes a glossary to aid learning and revision....

How to Begin Studying English Literature 3rd Edition (Palgrave Study Guides)

This text has established itself as a successful and popular introductory student guide. This fully revised and expanded third edition offers practical help and guidance.

It shows the reader how to approach novels, plays and poems, and includes chapters on themes, characters, structure, style, irony and analysis. In addition, sections on writing essays, how to revise, and how to use the critics make this book an invaluable companion for anyone beginning to study English literature.

Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library)

The Selected Papers from the 6th Congress Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies (TS) held at the University of Leuven, Belgium in 2010 congregated scholars and practitioners presenting their ideas and research in this thriving domain.

This volume includes fifteen carefully selected articles which represent the diversity and breadth of the topics dealt with in Translation Studies today, increasingly bolstered by its interaction with other disciplines. At the same time it aims to provide a balance between process and product oriented research, and training and professional practice.

The authors cover both Translating and Interpreting from a myriad of approaches, touching upon topics such as creativity, pleasant voice, paratext and translator intervention, project-based methodologies, revision, corpora, and individual translation styles, to name but a few. This volume will hopefully contribute to further fruitful interaction and cohesion which are essential to the international status of TS.

The Turns of Translation Studies by Mary Snell Hornby (Benjamins Translation Library)

What’s new in Translation Studies? In offering a critical assessment of recent developments in the young discipline, this book sets out to provide an answer, as seen from a European perspective today.

Many “new” ideas actually go back well into the past, and the German Romantic Age proves to be the starting-point. 

Multiple Voices in the Translation Classroom Activities Tasks and Projects

To build the competence we want in our students we have to design precise pedagogical tools – tools for particular purposes that will yield specific desired
Compared to the literature on translation theory, on the best way to translate a text or on how to become a professional translator, publications on translation training per se are scarce. Most of these follow a teacher-centred approach to classroom dynamics with a bias towards teaching translation starting off with professional standards.

Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library)

On September 29–30, 2004, more than two hundred participants assembled in Lisbon, to take a fresh look at current orientations in Translation Studies (TS).

In their Call for Papers, the organizers of the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) had acknowledged that “perhaps the time has come to challenge some of the widely held assumptions, biases, and other presuppositions borrowed from other disciplines or based on beliefs and claims that are taken for granted.”

Hence, the “Doubts and Directions” in the title of the Congress. Obviously, the contributions (more than 140 papers, 40 posters and six panels) did not all cover the same concerns, the same questions, the same concepts or the same methods. Diversity is a precious asset at a scientific meeting of this kind.

Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (Benjamins Translation Library)

What s new in Translation Studies? In offering a critical assessment of recent developments in the young discipline, this book sets out to provide an answer, as seen from a European perspective today. Many new ideas actually go back well into the past, and the German Romantic Age proves to be the starting-point.

The main focus lies however on the last 20 years, and, beginning with the cultural turn of the 1980s, the study traces what have turned out since then to be ground-breaking contributions (new paradigms) as against what was only a change in position on already established territory (shifting viewpoints).

Topics of the 1990s include nonverbal communication, gender-based Translation Studies, stage translation, new fields of interpreting studies and the effects of new technologies and globalization (including the increasingly dominant role of English). The author s aim is to stimulate discussion and provoke further debate on the current profile and future perspectives of Translation Studies.

Claims Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library)

The volume contains a selection of papers, both theoretical and empirical, from the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) Congress held in Copenhagen in September 2001.
The EST Congresses, held every three years in a different country, reflect current ideas, theories and studies covering the whole range of "Translation", both oral and written, and the papers collected here, authored by both experienced and young translation scholars, provide an up-to-date picture of some concerns in the field.
Topics covered include translation universals, linguistic approaches to translation, translation strategies, quality and assessment issues, screen translation, the translation of humor, terminological issues, translation and related professions, translation and ideology, language brokering by children, Robert Schumann’s relation to translation, directionality in translation and interpreting, community interpreting in Italy, issues in interpreting for refugees, notes in consecutive interpreting, interpreting prosody, and frequent weaknesses in translation papers in the context of the editorial process.

A Way with Words Resource Pack 2 Audio

Main features:
-An approach which recognises that vocabulary does not just mean single words: compounds, phrases, and even, on occasions, whole sentences can be items of vocabulary.
-Ideas and activities to help students to become more efficient vocabulary learners. These include suggestions for storing words, remembering them, and recycling them.
-Constant encouragement throughout to make full use of the context, dictionaries, fellow students, the teacher, knowledge of the world, and so on. In this way, students are creatively involved in the learning process and should, over a period of time, become much more self-reliant.
-A wide range of exercise types to keep students motivated and cater for a range of different learning styles.
-An attempt throughout the material to provide students with the opportunity to use the vocabulary they are learning and so facilitate long term retention.

A Way with Words Resource Pack 2

Main features:
-An approach which recognises that vocabulary does not just mean single words: compounds, phrases, and even, on occasions, whole sentences can be items of vocabulary.
-Ideas and activities to help students to become more efficient vocabulary learners. These include suggestions for storing words, remembering them, and recycling them.
-Constant encouragement throughout to make full use of the context, dictionaries, fellow students, the teacher, knowledge of the world, and so on. In this way, students are creatively involved in the learning process and should, over a period of time, become much more self-reliant.
-A wide range of exercise types to keep students motivated and cater for a range of different learning styles.
-An attempt throughout the material to provide students with the opportunity to use the vocabulary they are learning and so facilitate long term retention.

A Way with Words Resource Pack 1 Audio

A photocopiable resource book of vocabulary activities. This resource book of vocabulary practice activities enables teachers to teach vocabulary communicatively in the classroom. 
The book provides a variety of stimulating activities which require learners to actively use the target vocabulary. It develops learning skills, helping learners to become more efficient in organising, storing and remembering new vocabulary. 
It is easy to use with clear teacher's notes on the left hand pages and facing photocopiable worksheets on the right. This lower-intermediate to intermediate resource book is accompanied by a cassette for further practice of the key vocabulary.

A Way with Words Resource Pack 1

A photocopiable resource book of vocabulary activities. This resource book of vocabulary practice activities enables teachers to teach vocabulary communicatively in the classroom.
The book provides a variety of stimulating activities which require learners to actively use the target vocabulary. It develops learning skills, helping learners to become more efficient in organising, storing and remembering new vocabulary.
It is easy to use with clear teacher's notes on the left hand pages and facing photocopiable worksheets on the right. This lower-intermediate to intermediate resource book is accompanied by a cassette for further practice of the key vocabulary.

A Way with Words IV Understanding Poetry Audio

In A way with words I  II, and III, Professor Michael D.C. Drout increased listeners' understanding of the way literature works, of the rhetoric that in many ways defines people's lives, and of the intricacies of grammar, all while maintaining a lively tone that conveys the professor's infectious enthusiasm for the subject.
In part IV of this fascinating series, Professor Drout submerses listeners in poetry's past, present, and future. Addressing such poetic luminaries as Milton,Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats, these lectures explain in simple terms what poetry is while following its development through the centuries. 
Course Syllabus
Lecture 1 What Is Poetry?
Lecture 2 Oral Tradition
Lecture 3 The Roots of the Tree: Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Lecture 4 Of Meters and of Rhyming Craftily: Middle English and the Development of Rhymed Poetry
Lecture 5 Early Renaissance: An Exploration of Form
Lecture 6 Metaphysicals, Milton
Lecture 7 The Hard Stuff: The Eighteenth Century and the Influence of Classical Learning
Lecture 8 Romantics: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge
Lecture 9 Later Romantics: Byron, Shelley, and Keats
Lecture 10 Victorians!
Lecture 11 American Poetry and the Development of Free Verse
Lecture 12 Modernism
Lecture 13 Late Modernism
Lecture 14 Poetry Now

A Way with Words IV Understanding Poetry

In A way with words I  II, and III, Professor Michael D.C. Drout increased listeners' understanding of the way literature works, of the rhetoric that in many ways defines people's lives, and of the intricacies of grammar, all while maintaining a lively tone that conveys the professor's infectious enthusiasm for the subject.
In part IV of this fascinating series, Professor Drout submerses listeners in poetry's past, present, and future. Addressing such poetic luminaries as Milton,Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats, these lectures explain in simple terms what poetry is while following its development through the centuries. 
Course Syllabus
Lecture 1 What Is Poetry?
Lecture 2 Oral Tradition
Lecture 3 The Roots of the Tree: Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Lecture 4 Of Meters and of Rhyming Craftily: Middle English and the Development of Rhymed Poetry
Lecture 5 Early Renaissance: An Exploration of Form
Lecture 6 Metaphysicals, Milton
Lecture 7 The Hard Stuff: The Eighteenth Century and the Influence of Classical Learning
Lecture 8 Romantics: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge
Lecture 9 Later Romantics: Byron, Shelley, and Keats
Lecture 10 Victorians!
Lecture 11 American Poetry and the Development of Free Verse
Lecture 12 Modernism
Lecture 13 Late Modernism
Lecture 14 Poetry Now

A Way with Words II Approaches to Literature Audio

In A Way with Words: Writing, Rhetoric, and the Art of Persuasion, widely published professor Michael D.C. Drout embarked on a thought-provoking investigation into the role of rhetoric in our world.
Now, in A Way with Words II: Approaches to Literature, the renowned literary scholar leads a series of lectures that focus on the big questions of literature. Is literature a kind of lie? Can fiction ever be "realistic"? Why do we read? What should we read?
Professor Drout provides insight into these and other provocative questions, including those related to the role of the text, author, and audience in the reading process. Throughout, Professor Drout introduces the major schools of literary and critical thought and employs illuminating examples from the world's most important literary works. 
Literature contributes to our understanding of what it means to be human in a myriad of complex ways, and for all those who appreciate the role of literature in our lives, this course proves a wonderful exploration of one of humankind's most cherished pursuits. 
Course Lecture Titles:
01 - Understanding Literature: Some Big Questions
02 - Language
03 - The Text
04 - The Author
05 - The Audience
06 - Genres
07 - Formalism and Forms: Primarily Poetry
08 - Form, Pattern, and Symbol: Prose
09 - Literature and the Mind
10 - What Is Postmodernism and Why Are People Saying Such Horrible Things About It?
11 - Identity Politics
12 - Culture and Cultural Production
13 - The Literary Canon
14 - What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Literature?

A Way with Words II Approaches to Literature

In A Way with Words: Writing, Rhetoric, and the Art of Persuasion, widely published professor Michael D.C. Drout embarked on a thought-provoking investigation into the role of rhetoric in our world.
Now, in A Way with Words II: Approaches to Literature, the renowned literary scholar leads a series of lectures that focus on the big questions of literature. Is literature a kind of lie? Can fiction ever be "realistic"? Why do we read? What should we read?
Professor Drout provides insight into these and other provocative questions, including those related to the role of the text, author, and audience in the reading process. Throughout, Professor Drout introduces the major schools of literary and critical thought and employs illuminating examples from the world's most important literary works. 
Literature contributes to our understanding of what it means to be human in a myriad of complex ways, and for all those who appreciate the role of literature in our lives, this course proves a wonderful exploration of one of humankind's most cherished pursuits. 
Course Lecture Titles:
01 - Understanding Literature: Some Big Questions
02 - Language
03 - The Text
04 - The Author
05 - The Audience
06 - Genres
07 - Formalism and Forms: Primarily Poetry
08 - Form, Pattern, and Symbol: Prose
09 - Literature and the Mind
10 - What Is Postmodernism and Why Are People Saying Such Horrible Things About It?
11 - Identity Politics
12 - Culture and Cultural Production
13 - The Literary Canon
14 - What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Literature?

Vocabulary Improvement Words Made Easy (A Fifty-Minute Series)

Written at an adult basic skill level, the book's games, puzzles and exercises make learning vocabulary interesting and fun.

Surviving Information Overload How to Find Filter and Focus on Whats Important (A Fifty-Minute Series Book)

Newspapers, books, magazines, and the Internet tell us what we want to know when we want to know it. Reports, memos, e-mails, and voice mail help us transmit and receive information quickly and easily.
With so much information coming at us constantly, it's no wonder many of us are living with information anxiety. Odette Pollar, productivity specialist and author of Crisp's best-selling Organizing Your Work Space, empowers readers to dig out of the avalanche of information they are bombarded with daily and to take back control of their time in her new book, Surviving Information Overload.

Powerful Proofreading Skills Tips Techniques and Tactics (Fifty-Minute Series)

Ever send out an embarrassing, costly, typo-filled, business letter?

Now, this practical book is here to help. Each section contains exercises and activities that strengthen your proofreading skills and eliminate errors and inaccuracies from your documents.

Clear Writing A Step-by-Step Guide (A Fifty-Minute Series Book)

This basic, self-study book will help you develop a direct, clear, and concise writing style. It presents a step-by-step approach for writing effective sentences, paragraphs, and other informational formats. Self-editing techniques for avoiding common writing problems are carefully explained.
Preface Section 1: Sentence Basics What Is a Sentence? Finding the Subject of a Sentence Getting Control of the Subject Verbs That Work Completing the Sentence Core Reviewing the Results Section 2: Modifiers What Are Modifiers?
Easy Adjectives The Prepositional Phrase Maze Blurbs About Adverbs Reviewing for Results Section 3: Signal Words What Are Signal Words? A Pause for the Clause Compound Sentences: Two Independent Cores, Sometimes More Reviewing for Results Section 4: Purposeful Paragraphs What Is a Paragraph? Using Core Control to Write Paragraphs Reviewing for Results Section 5: Watch Out for Weed Words What Is a Weed Word? Four Kinds of Weed Words Reviewing for Results Section 6: Putting It Together Complete Documents Writing Business Memos Writing Business Letters Writing Short Essays.

5 Steps To A 5 Writing the AP English Essay 2017

The insider’s guide to writing high-scoring essays on the AP English Language and AP English Literature exams
5 Steps to a 5: Writing the AP English Essay 2017 provides strategies for writing a standout essay on the Advanced Placement exams, along with an abundance of essay-writing practice.
This logical and easy-to-follow instructional guide uses the effective 5-step study plan to build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence students need to reach their full potential. Written by an AP reader and an AP teacher, this insider’s guide clearly explains exactly how to receive high marks from graders by planning, prewriting, writing, and reviewing your essay.
The 5 Steps to a 5: Writing the AP English Essay 2017 is an effective 5-step plan breaks down test preparation into stages: 1. Set Up Your Study Program 2. Determine Your Test Readiness 3. Develop Strategies for Success 4. Develop the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence.

5 Steps to A 5 Writing the AP English Essay 2014-2015

Get ready for your AP exam with this straightforward and easy-to-follow study guide, updated for all the latest exam changes!
5 Steps to a 5: Writing the AP English Essay features an effective, 5-step plan to guide your preparation program and help you build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence you need to succeed. This fully revised edition covers the latest course syllabus and provides model tests that reflect the latest version of the exam.
Inside you will find:
5-Step Plan to a Perfect 5: 1. Set Up Your Study Program 2. Determine Your Test Readiness 3. Develop Strategies for Success 4. Develop the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
2 complete practice AP Writing the AP English Essay exams
3 separate plans to fit your study style
Review material updated and geared to the most recent tests
Savvy information on how tests are constructed, scored, and used\

5 Steps to A 5 AP World History 2008-2009 Edition by Peggy Martin

We want you to succeed on your AP* exam. That's why we've created this 5-step plan to help you study more effectively, use your preparation time wisely, and get your best score.
This easy-to-follow guide offers you a complete review of your AP course, strategies to give you the edge on test day, and plenty of practice with AP-style test questions.
You'll sharpen your subject knowledge, strengthen your thinking skills, and build your test-taking confidence with
Full-length practice exams modeled on the real test
All the terms and concepts you need to know to get your best score
Your choice of three customized study schedules-so you can pick the one that meets your needs
The 5-Step Plan helps you get the most out of your study time:
Step 1: Set Up Your Study Program
Step 2: Determine Your Readiness
Step 3: Develop the Strategies
Step 4: Review the Knowledge
Step 5: Build Your Confidence