A Guidance Approach for the Encouraging Classroom 5th Edition, easily functions as a primary reference for professionals or in classes that address group management, the learning environment, child guidance, child behavior, challenging behavior, conflict management, and peace education topics.
The book addresses ages 3-8 years in three parts :
+ Part 1 explores the foundation of guidance in early childhood education and covers key concepts such as conventional discipline versus guidance, mistaken behavior, the guidance tradition, and innovative theories about child development with guidance.
+ Part 2 focuses on building and organizing an encouraging classroom, as well as providing key elements of an encouraging classroom, including daily schedule, routines, use of thematic instruction, importance of working with parents, and leadership communication.
+ Part 3 addresses problem solving and challenging behavior in the encouraging classroom, including a practical illustration for how to use and teach conflict management and coverage of the "five-finger-formula."