This reference book, for senior students and teachers, offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of prepositions and adverbial particles and is at the same time, by means of the inclusion of examples of usage throughout the book, a practical guide to the subject. Brief explanations accompany the examples where necessary.
The key words in the phrases dealt with are arranged in alphabetical order and the book is divided into six chapters (thus achieving some classification of the complex question of usage): 1, Common Prepositions; 2, Prepositional Phrases; 3, Nouns preceded by Prepositions; 4, Phrasal Verbs; 5, Verbs followed by Prepositions; 6, Words (other than Verbs) followed by Prepositions. Three workbooks, Using Prepositions and Particles, are available giving exercise material on prepositional usage.
This reference book is intended as a practical guide to the use of prepositions and adverbial particles. Simple examples of usage are given throughout the book. Brief explanations accompany the examples wherever necessary, and grammatical rules am presented as clearly as possible. The book is divided into six chapters, and dome classification of the complex question of usage is thereby attempted. The kny words in the phrases (i.e. the verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) are arranged in alphabetical order.
Prepositions and particles cause more difficulty to many overseas students lhan any other aspect of the English language. The choice of preposition or particle following a certain verb, noun, adjective, or adverb can be determined only after constant practice. An important aspect of the subject is illustrated by the phrasal verb, in which an adverbial particle combines with a verb to form a collocation possessing a new meaning. The phrasal verb must be considered as a unit, for its meaning can rarely be inferred from a knowledge of the verb and the particle separately. Prepositional phrases are often fixed: to alter or to add one word would be sufficient to render most phrases meaningless. Subtle variations in meaning are frequently expressed by the use of different prepositions with the same word.