Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 8, 2017

Listening Skills Development Through Multimedia by Carla Meskill

As multimedia technology  becomes more accessible to teachers and learners of other languages, its potential as a tool to enhance listening skills becomes a practical option. Multimedia allows integra­tion of text, graphics, audio, and motion video in a range of combinations.

The result is that learners can now interact with textual, aural, and visual media in a wide range of for­mats. Consequently, when we now look at the computer as potentially supporting listening skills acquisition, we need to examine not only aural processing opportunities, but multi modal, (simultaneous sight, sound, text) processing as well.

This paper examines multi modal processing and its implica­tions for listening skills development in a foreign or second language. How multi modal processing as it relates to listen­ing skills development can be supported by multimedia tech­nology is presented.

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