Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

McDougal Littell American History Student Textbook

McDougal Littell American History is a comprehensive, easy-to-use program that presents the history of the United States in a way that middle school students understand. Research shows that students are much more motivated to study history when they are actively involved in their learning.
McDougal Littell American History provides this motivation by asking essential questions and bringing history alive through interactive exercises and hands-on activities. Through these interactive approaches, students will make personal connections to the people, events, and issues that form the rich tapestry of the American story.
Reading for Understanding
Strategies for Reading American History
Themes of American History
Test-Taking Strategies and Practice
Geography Handbook
Rand McNally World Atlas
UNIT 1 (Beginnings–1650) Three Worlds Meet
Chapter 1: The World Before 1500 (Beginnings–1500)
Chapter 2: European Exploration of the Americas (1492–1650)
UNIT 2 (1585–1763) The English Colonies 
Chapter 3: The English Establish 13 Colonies (1585–1732)
Chapter 4: The Colonies Develop (1651–1753)
Chapter 5: Beginnings of an American Identity (1689–1763)
UNIT 3 (1763–1791) Creating A New Nation
Chapter 6: The Road to Revolution (1763–1776)
Chapter 7: The American Revolution (1775–1783)
Chapter 8: Confederation to Constitution (1776–1791)
- Constitution Handbook
- Citizenship Handbook
UNIT 4 (1789–1844) The Early Republic
Chapter 9: Launching a New Republic (1789–1800)
Chapter 10: The Jefferson Era (1800–1816)
Chapter 11: National and Regional Growth (1800–1844)
UNIT 5 (1821–1860) A Changing Nation
Chapter 12: The Age of Jackson (1824–1840)
Chapter 13: Manifest Destiny (1821–1853)
Chapter 14: A New Spirit of Change (1830–1860)
UNIT 6 (1846–1877) A Nation Divided and Rebuilt
Chapter 15: The Nation Breaking Apart (1846–1861)
Chapter 16: The Civil War Begins (1861–1862)
Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863–1865)
Chapter 18: Reconstruction (1865–1877)
UNIT 7 (1860–1920) America Transformed
Chapter 19: Growth in the West (1860–1900)
Chapter 20: Industrialization and Immigration (1860–1914)
Chapter 21: The Progressive Era (1890–1920)
Chapter 22: Becoming a World Power (1880–1914)
UNIT 8 (1914–1929) War and the Jazz Age
Chapter 23: World War I (1914–1920)
Chapter 24: The Roaring Twenties (1919–1929)
UNIT 9 (1929–1960) Depression, War, and Recovery
Chapter 25: The Great Depression and the New Deal (1929–1940)
Chapter 26: The Rise of Dictators and World War II (1931–1945)
Chapter 27: The Cold War and the American Dream (1945–1960)
UNIT 10 (1954–Present) Tensions at Home and Abroad
Chapter 28: The Civil Rights Era (1954–1975)
Chapter 29: The Vietnam War Years (1954–1975)
Chapter 30: America in a Changing World (1969–Present)
- Test-Taking Strategies and Practice
- Geography Handbook
- Rand McNally World Atlas
- Skillbuilder Handbook
- Facts About the States
- Presidents of the U.S.
- Gazetteer
- English Glossary
- Spanish Glossary
- Index

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