Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 4, 2017

Video in Action Recipes for Using Video in Language Teaching (Language Teaching Methodology)

Whether you already use video in your lanuage classroom. or whether you are planning to use it, this book is for you.
It offers a very practical and up-to-date introduction to the subject, a list of basic techniques and a comprhensive collection of activities for classroom use. There is also a useful section with notes on areas such as equipment, faults and copyright.
Reference to all age and ability groups.
Cross-referenced index for easy access to activities, via activity type, type of video sequence, level and purpose.
Ideas pooled from teachers around the world.
Reference to a wide range of sources, such as feature films, advertisements and pop videos.
Emphasis on video for traget language performance and for cross-cultural communication.

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