Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 4, 2017

Longman Essay Activator Your Key to Writing Success

The Essay Activator  has  been  created  to  help  you  improve  your written English. By varying the range of vocabulary and expressions that you use, your essays will become  richer and your grades will improve. 
There are 28  Essay Activators.  Each  of  these  contains  all  the  important  words  and  phrases  that  can  be used to perform a particular function in your essay, for example showing that you agree with  an  idea  (Agreeing);  explaining  how  something  has  increased  (Increasing)  or saying what other people  think (Quoting People). 
For example, If you want  to give some examples  in your essay,  look  at  Section  1  and  you  will  find  a  variety  of  words  and  phrases  to  avoid repeating  for  example  every time:  for  instance,  be  a  case  in  point,  by  way  of illustration etc.  If  there are a  lot of examples you could mention,  look at Section 2  for ways of dealing with this: such as, including, to name but a few etc. 
Each word  or phrase  is  followed  by  an  explanation of  the meaning  and/or use and  is illustrated with example sentences. These examples can be used as models  for you to produce your own natural-sounding sentences. 
In  each  of  the  Essay  Activators  you will  also  find  Study  Notes  about  grammar  and formality. For example, in Section 2 of Giving Examples there is a Study Note at such as  to  explain  that  there  is  not  usually  a  comma  before  this  phrase, whereas  there  is usually one before for example and including. 

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