Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 12, 2017

Changing Language Education Through CALL by Randall P Donaldson and Margaret A Haggstrom

In the twenty-first century, technological resources to support language instruction are within the reach of the majority of educational institutions at every level. Yet while schools may have easy access to technology, both its newness and rapid evolution make it difficult for instructors to meet the challenge of effectively incorporating these technologies into the language curriculum.
Recognizing the need for a close link between research, practice and program development, Changing Language Education Through CALL is an important text advocating change that makes effective use of new research into learning styles, as well as new technology. Bringing together sixteen internationally respected experts in second-language acquisition and computer technologies, it presents teachers with user-friendly, flexible ways to incorporate technology into the language-learning process, and provides both the theoretical and practical basis for CALL applications across a broad spectrum of teaching styles, textbooks, and courses.
Practical and clearly presented, each chapter in this book concentrates on the learning process and the teacher's role in facilitating this through the proper and effective use of technology - thus ensuring that the partnership of pedagogical expertise and technological innovation remains the work's focus.

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