Reading Tree Songbirds Phonics CD-ROMs are written by the Series Editor of Songbird Phonics, Clare Kirtley. Songbirds Phonics CD- ROMs are a unique blend of materials for the systematic teaching and practise of phonics, this CDROM is ideal for using on an Interactive Whiteboard and for independent use, and builds phonic knowledge using the six stages of the lively Songbirds Phonics stories written by Julia Donaldson.
It can be used for whole class teaching of Songbirds Phonics on an interactive whiteboard, or for individual use on a PC, and practises all of the phonics in the first twelve Songbirds stories. Pupils are introduced to the simple letter patterns, consonant digraphs and long vowel letter patterns in each of the stories.
Animated graphics and lively jingles reinforce both letter formations and letter sounds. Pupils progress to activities linked to the selected story to practise the letters and sounds they have learnt. Blending, Phoneme and Segmenting activities reinforce the sounds and letters further. Finally pupils read and hear the complete story in a Talking Story. These are complete pages of each title with lively narration. Pupils can read along with the narration and click on any sentence or word they need to hear again.
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