Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 11, 2017

Have Fun with American Heroes Activities Projects and Fascinating Facts by David C King - Jossey Bass

Who is your favorite American hero - Thomas Jefferson, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, or Sally Ride? Many of these men and women took risks to secure freedom for all Americans. Have Fun with American Heroes is filled with brief biographies, fascinating facts, and interesting quotes from most well-known and popular American heroes.
The book also contains fun-filled experiments and activities that will stretch your imagination and give you a better appreciation of these historical figures.
While you are learning about the dramatic lives ofAmerican heroes you will also discover how to:
Celebrate the nation's first flag-maker Betsy Ross by making a delicious ice cream flag cake.
Imitate inventor Thomas Edison and make a flashlight that really works.
Write up a story from your life and add it to a homemade autobiographylike the one Frederick Douglass wrote about his life as a slave.
Compare baseball giant Babe Ruth's statistical record to that of one of today's many baseball greats.
Build a model moonscape and pretend you are taking "One giant leap for mankind" with astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Get to know dozens of true American heroes and have fun while you are learning.

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