Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Developing EFL Learners Vocabulary Awareness

Rolf Palmberg has a fascination for words and an enthusiasm for teaching which shine through the pages of the books he writes and no doubt rub off on both the trainee teachers and learners he works with. His latest book is no exception. As one would expect from an experienced teacher trainer and a wise old soul, Rolf's instructions are always crystal clear and leave no room for confusion.
At the same time they also provide the teacher with a variety of options and suggest various forms of interaction to ensure that the interest of the learners is always likely to be maintained. 
This book does a great deal more than the majority of books that just test vocabulary. It helps learners to activate their passive vocabulary, to generate new words, and even to create anagrams of their own - which, being a crossword freak.

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