Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 8, 2017

Blooms How to Write About the Brontes

Emily, Anne, and Charlotte Brontë were three sisters who left an indelible mark on the literature of their age. Collectively, their novels give voice to often-isolated individuals who struggle to be heard and reconcile their own needs and desires with the expectations and double standards of their times.
Bloom's How to Write about the Brontës offers valuable paper-topic suggestions, clearly outlined strategies on how to write a strong essay, and an insightful introduction by Harold Bloom on writing about the Brontë sisters.
This new volume is designed to help students develop their analytical writing skills and critical comprehension of these authors and their major works.
Series Introduction
Volume Introduction
How to Write a Good Essay
How to Write about the Brontës
- Jane Eyre
- The Professor
- Shirley
- Villette
- Agnes Grey
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
- Wuthering Heights
- I'm Happiest When Most Away"
- "The Night-Wind"
- "Remembrance"
- "Stars"
- "No Coward Soul is Mine"

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