An immensely popular course, fully updated to meet the requirements of the FCE exam. It can be used as a thorough preparation course for the revised First Certificate exam. To tell you the truth I love using it because of the workbook’s excellent taskmaterial and the great listening tasks. Student's book is from a photocopy, but quite OK quality.
Student's Book
- detailed description of the exam
- twenty theme-based units, providing progressive exam preparation and balanced skills coverage
- unique Focus sections in each unit providing integrated coverage of all five papers
- Grammar Summary at the back of the book
- revision and extension exercises at the end of each unit
FCE exam. It can be used as a thorough preparation course for the revised First Certificate exam.
To tell you the truth I love using it because of the workbook’s excellent taskmaterial and the great listening tasks.
- twenty units related to the themes in the Student's Book
- over 90 pages of extra exam practice material and grammar and vocabulary work
- regular progress tests
An immensely popular course, fully updated to meet the requirements of the FCE exam. It can be used as a thorough preparation course for the revised First Certificate exam. To tell you the truth I love using it because of the workbook’s excellent taskmaterial and the great listening tasks. Student's book is from a photocopy, but quite OK quality.
Teacher's Book
- detailed teaching notes
- full answer key
- suggestions for preparing and extending the material
- revision tests for each unit
- tapescripts
An immensely popular course, fully updated to meet the requirements of the FCE exam. It can be used as a thorough preparation course for the revised First Certificate exam. To tell you the truth I love using it because of the workbook’s excellent taskmaterial and the great listening tasks. Student's book is from a photocopy, but quite OK quality.
- two cassettes, reflecting the higher profile of Paper 4, giving practice in all exam formats
- a wide variety of text types and regional accents
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