Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 6, 2017

BBC Radio - Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens

NICHOLAS NICKLEBY by Charles Dickens.
Dramatised for radio by Mike Walker. This production won the 1999 Voice of the Listener and Viewer (VLV) award for best dramatic adaptation.
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, (or Nicholas Nickleby for short) is a comic novel by Charles Dickens. Originally published as a serial from 1838 to 1839, it was Dickens' third novel. It is the story of the Nicklebys (Nicholas, his mother and his sister Kate) who have been left penniless by the death of Mr Nickleby.
In their poverty and desperation they seek help from Nicholas’s uncle - the difficult and oppressive money lender, Ralph Nickleby. Nicholas immediately bothers his uncle due to his independent attitudes and is sent to Dotheboys Hall to teach. He witnesses the mistreatment of orphans there by the villainous Wackford Squeers. Disgusted by this and particularly the treatment of Smike, Nicholas thrashes the evil Squeers and escapes with the lad Smike. So begins The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.
Originally broadcast on BBC Radio Four in 1999 as thirty 15 minute episodes. This recording is from BBC7 and is of the omnibus editions, each programme consisting of five episodes and lasting around 70 minutes.
Part 1
Nicholas's adventures start when his uncle finds him a position as assistant to Wackford Squeers at Dotheboys Hall in Yorkshire. Episodes 1 - 5.
Part 2
Nicholas makes his way to London & Kate starts to work at Mantalini's Dressmakers. Episodes 6 - 10.
Part 3
Nicholas & Smike head to Portsmouth to seek their fortunes. Episodes 11 - 15.
Part 4
Mantalini's melodrama increases when he asks for more money. Episodes 16 - 20.
Part 5
Nicholas meets the distressed Miss Madeleine Bray & Mrs Nickleby is flattered by the attentions of a madman. Episodes 21 - 25.
Part 6
Secrets are uncovered in the dramatic conclusion. Episodes 26 - 30.

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