Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Accurate English A Complete Course in Pronunciation by Rebecca M Dauer Audio

Learning to speak a foreign language fluently and without an accent isn’t easy. In most educational systems, students spend many years studying grammatical rules, but they don’t get much of the chance to speak. Arriving in a new county can be a frustrating experience. 
Although, they may be able to read and write very well, they often that they can’t understand what the people say to them. English is especially difficult. Because pronunciation of words is not clearly shown by how they are written. But the major problem is being able to listen, think and respond in another language at a natural speed. This takes time and practice.
CONTENTS of tapes
1A Contents 6
1.4 Diagnostic Speech Sample 14
2.3 Table 2-1: Phonetic Alphabet 26
3.1 Ex. A: Vowel Warmup, Listening test 27
3.1 Ex. D: Vowels before 28
3.2 American English Vowel Sounds 29
3.3 American English Vowel Sounds in Sentences 1B 45
4.5 Table 4-1: Alternations of vowel quality, Ex. A 50
4.6 Prac. 10, 11: /a/ versus Vowel + /a/ 56
5.1 Ex. G: Vowel review listening test 57
5.2 Dialogues for Vowels 63
6.2 Table 6-1: Vowel reduction in unstressed endings 69
6.4 Table 6-2: Stress placement & suffixes 72
6.4 Ex. H, I: Stress placement in related words 2A 74
7.1 Prac. 1: Stress & reduction in noun-verb word pairs 76
7.1 Prac. 3: Stress & reduction in words ending in 77
7.1 Ex. A, B, C: Stress placement 79
7.2 Prac. 5: Alternation reduced & full vowels, Ex. A: Dialogue 81
7.3 Prac. 6: Disappearing syllables, Ex. A: Dialogue 90
8.2 Prac. 2: CAN & CAN'T 92
8.2 Ex. F: Dialogues for weak forms 98
8.3 Ex B: Reading--Big Two-hearted River 99
8.3 Ex. E: Dialogues for linking 2 B  112
10.3 Prac. 2: Compounds vs. non-compounds, Listening test 114
11.1 Ex. A, B: Readings--Motion, The Scientific Method 130
12.2 American English Consonant Sounds 132
12.3 American English Consonant Sounds in Sentences 3 A  145
13.5 Ex. F: Voiced & voiceless Consonants, Listening test 145
13.5 Ex. G: Dialogues for voiced & voiceless Consonants 151
14.1 Ex. E: sentences, Listening test 152
14.1 Ex. I: Reading--Howard's Morning 155
14.2 Ex. F, G: listening test 157
14.2 Ex. K, L: Readings--Laundry Time, Wonderland 3B 161
14.3 Ex. A, B: Sentences for consonant groups 162
14.3 Ex. E: Dialogues for consonant groups 168
15.1 Ex. E: Dialogues for /sC, z/ 173
15.2 Ex. F: Reading for /T, D, s, z/ 174
15.2 Ex. G: Dialogues for /T, D/ 183
15.4 Ex. D: Reading for unstressed /dZ/ 186
15.5 Ex. A: Sentences for /Z/ 188
15.5 Ex. G: Reading for /S, Z, tS, dZ/ 189
15.5 Ex. I: Dialogues for /S, Z, tS, dZ/ 192
15.6 Ex. A, B: Sentences for /ts, dz/ 4A 197
15.7 Ex. G: Dialogues for /v, b, w/ 200
15.8 Ex. E: Dialogue for /h/ 207
15.9 Ex. D: Final and sentences, Listening test 208
15.9 Ex. E, F: Reading & Dialogues for and 212
15.10 Ex. C: Dialogues for final nasals 218
15.12 Ex. B, C: Consonant review listening test 4B 220
16.1 Prac. 1, 2: Intonation, Listening test 227
16.2 Ex. A, B, C, D, E: Sentences for neutral intonation 229
16.2 Ex. H: Dialogue for neutral intonation 232
16.3 Ex. A, C, D: Moving sentence stress, Readings 236
16.4 Ex. A, B, C, D: Changing pitch, Readings 239
16.5 Ex. A, B: Choice and tag questions 240
16.6 Dialogues for intonation
Summary of Contents
Tape 1, side 1A, Chapters 1 - 3: 43:00
side 1B, Chapters 4 - 6 43:30
Tape 2, side 2A, Chapters 7 - 8, 46:00
side 2B, Chapters 10 - 12, 39:00
Tape 3, side 3A, Chapters 13 - 14.2, 38:30
side 3B, Chapters 14.3 - 15.6, 45:00
Tape 4, side 4A, Chapters 15.7 - 15.12, 34:00
side 4B, Chapter 16, 45:00

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