Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 4, 2017

The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics Series)

Notes on Contributors.
Part I: Formal Semantics in Linguistics:
1. The Development of Formal Semantics in Linguistic Theory: Barbara H. Partee.
Part II: Generalized Quantifier Theory:
2. The Semantics of Determiners: Edward L. Keenan.
3. The Role of Situations in Generalized Quantifiers: Robin Cooper.
Part III: The Interface Between Syntax and Semantics:
4. The Syntax/ Semantics Interface in Categorial Grammar: Pauline Jacobson.
5. Anaphora and Identity: Robert Fiengo and Robert May.
6. The Interpretation of Ellipsis: Shalom Lappin.
Part IV: Anaphora, Discourse and Modality:
7. Coreference and Modality: Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof and Frank Veltman.
8. Anaphora in Intensional Contexts:: Craige Roberts.
9. Quantification, Quantificational Domains and Dynamic Logic: Jean Mark Gawron.
Part V: Focus, Presupposition and Negation:
10. Focus: Mats Rooth.
11. Presupposition and Implicature: Laurence R. Horn.
12. Negation and Polarity Items: William A. Ladusaw.
Part VI: Tense:
13. Tense and Modality: Mürvet Enc.
Part VII: Questions:
14. The Semantics of Questions: James Higginbotham.
15. Interrogatives: Questions, Facts and Dialogue: Jonathan Ginzburg.
Part VIII: Plurals:
16. Plurality: Fred Landman.
Part IX: Computational Semantics:
17. Computational Semantics - Linguistics and Processing: John Nerbonne.
Part X: Lexical Semantics:
18. Lexical Semantics and Syntactic Structure: Beth Levin and Malka Rappaport Hovav.
Part XI: Semantics and Related Domains:
19. Semantics and Logic: Gila Y. Sher.
20. Semantics and Cognition: Ray Jackendoff.
21. Semantics, Pragmatics, and Natural-Language Interpretation: Ruth M. Kempson.
22. Semantics in Linguistics and Philosophy: An Intentionalist Perspective: Jerrold J. Katz.

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