Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 3, 2017

Fergusons Careers in Focus Mechanics 3rd Edition

Mechanics maintain and repair machines and mechanical systems. It would be difficult to name an area of your life that is not affected by the work of mechanics. From the moment that we get out of bed, mechanics of all types help us accomplish our daily tasks.

Automobile service technicians keep your car running smoothly so that you can get to school or work. Aircraft mechanics and diesel mechanics keep you safe when you travel by plane or train to far-away places. General maintenance mechanics keep your school, house, or workplace cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Did you ride an elevator today? If so, you can thank elevator installers and repairers for your safe and quick trip. Been to the doctor lately? We bet that you’ve never stopped to think about the biomedical equipment technicians who maintain and repair the medical equipment used to diagnose and treat you. And what about the food you eat every day? Agricultural equipment technicians and farm equipment mechanics maintain the equipment farmers use to plant and harvest the crops that eventually end up on your dinner table. 

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