Cliffs Test Prep The New SAT-PSAT - 2 Edition
CliffsTestPrep The NEW SAT, 2rd Edition, walks you through all the changes to the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT. Designed by leading experts in the field of test preparation and written with the student in mind, this guide is the most comprehensive resource on the NEW SAT and presents you with plenty of testing strategies, techniques, and materials to make taking the NEW SAT easier. Using the Bobrow Test Preparation Services approach, this guide focus on the six major areas of preparing for the NEW SAT:
- Ability tested
- Basic skills necessary
- Understanding directions
- Analysis of directions
- Suggested approaches with samples
- Practice-review-analyze-practice
This book combines introductory analysis sections for each exam area with lots of practice -- four full-length practice tests with complete answers, in-depth explanations, analysis charts, and score-range approximators to give you a thorough understanding of the NEW SAT. As you work your way through this book, you'll hone your knowledge of subjects such as
- Sentence completion and critical reading passages
- Basic mathematical skills and concepts, such as algebra and geometry
- Data analysis, statistics, and probability
- Writing and reviewing your essay -- with samples
- Identifying sentence errors and correcting sentences
- Improving paragraph readability
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