Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

Who Are You - Intermediate Questionnaires for self-discovery

Another interesting edition of Brain Friendly Publishing. This is a unique Resource Pack for Teachers of English in which twenty questionnaires / tests / questionnaires use in the classroom.
1 How green are you?
2 How happy are you?
3 Are you in the right job?
4 Are you an early bird or a night
5 Are you a lion or a mouse?
6 Are you the perfect partner?
7 Are you looking after your healt
8 How vain are you?
9 Are you a good traveller?
10 How superstitious are you?
11What kind of learner are you?
12 How self confident are you?
13 Who wants to be a millionaire?
14 What kind of patient are you?
15 How do you spend your money?
16 Are you ready to get married?
17 How much do you know about food?
18 What's the right holiday for you?
19 Are you a risk taker?

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